
Return Policy

At Yi Paintings, our primary wish is for you to be happy with the paintings you have chosen, and we’ll always work to find a solution for our cherished customers. 
Our gallery is located at WA in US, which makes return and exchange convenient for our customers. If for any reason you find you are not satisfied with your purchase, we are happy to accept your return or exchange within 14 days of confirmed delivery. Please note that returns or exchanges requested outside of the designated window will be accepted only at Yi Paintings's discretion.

 Return Process

  1. If you are located within the US and wish to return or exchange an item for any reason, please contact us.
  2. Please carefully pack all items and ensure they are well protected. Please be advised that if items are damaged in transit, their return may be refused.
  3. All return packages must be postmarked within 14 days of receipt of your confirmed delivery.
  4. We aim to refund you within 14 days of receiving the returned item to the payment method used during checkout.
  5. We accommodate free return labels for any items that are damaged or may have a defect. All other returns require a freight fee on behalf of the sender to cover the return order.

Return Policy for Customized Paintings

Customized items cannot be returned for exchange or refunds.